Future of Development

Our company is trying to win the work for the project that shall replace the current one. I asked our manager what technologies we thought we might use to implement the new system if we won. There was a long list. And there did not seem to be many traditional coding tasks. One product we were going to use was Business Objects.

To tell the truth, I thought Business Objects were some API using by Crystal Reports. I have since come to find out that Business Objects was a company that got bought out by SAP a few years ago. The premier product of this company is Business Objects XI. This is a big package that includes business intelligence tools.

SAP offers a bunch of instructions ebooks on Business Objects for $19.99 each. Great. I know the company will spring for such training material. But do I really want to get out there and be a Business Objects developer? It is funny. While searching for technical information on Business Objects, I found a job offer for a senior Business Objects developer. It paid $45 per hour. That's not chump change. But it is a lot lower than I thought a SAP developer would make. Oh wait, this is Business Objects. The jury is still out whether I shall even crack a book to learn this stuff. There are also other new technologies in the stack to be used to build the next generation system. More on those products later.