I got into work and immediately started going through my e-mails. One such e-mail caught my eye and troubled me. The test team manager blasted the application development team for sneaking in some code and breaking the application.
When at work I try to maintain a professional attitude. However that does not mean I let e-mails like this go unchecked. So I scheduled a meeting with the test manager, project manager, and our whole dev team.
I opened by the meeting by stating that I was offended that I was accused of not following our software process. This was just not true. However I gave the test manager an opportunity to explain further. Apparently this was just a reply-to-all e-mail which was sent based on statement made by a tester. The e-mail was not necessarily directed towards myself.
As soon as I determined the intent, I was relieved. We spent a little more time discussing how we would resolve the problems found. Apprarently this had all been a failure to communicate. Having a sit-down meeting was a good venue to resolve the issue. Starting off an e-mail flame war would have been a step in the wrong direction.
Free Laundry
Apparently a lot of apartment buildings have coin operated laundry machines
in the basement. And guess what? You can order a key to unlock the payment